3 Beauty Favorites For November!

Hello bloggies! As we all know November is creeping up upon us and that means my absolute favorite holiday of the year – CHRISTMAS – is right around the corner. Yes that’s right the lights, the music, and the holiday cheer are all coming up in short time. But there’s a downside to the chillier months of the year especially if you aren’t lucky enough to live in a place like California where there is sun year round. Us folks in the colder regions of the country and world have to deal with a harsh and cold winter. I have to say I love it when the snow falls around Christmas as it is a beautiful sight, but the beauty fades quickly for me and then you’re left dealing with slush and dirt.

If your skin is anything like mine it most likely dries out during these months and feels uber difficult. My lips tend to chap like crazy and my patience with the cold weather starts to run thin. That’s why my November favorites in terms of beauty pics are items which are ESSENTIAL to help you get through the colder months of the year. These include:

1) Fresh Cosmetics Sugar Lip Treatment Sunscreen SPF 15

Image result for fresh lip balm

This lip balm is the BOMB. Cliche joke – I know. But it’s true. This balm has repartive oil and waxes and is mixed with real sugar. It is good for all types of lips and helps deal with dryness, rough texture, and sun protection. I love that it is natural and is free of petroleum, mineral oil, and lanolin. If you have not tried this balm get out there and do so ASAP. It is a little more on the pricey side of $24, and I first tried it when Sephora included it as a freebie for my birthday while shopping there. But as soon as I tried it I was hooked! EOS is a good cheaper alternative, but there is nothing like Fresh’s balm in my opinion.

2) Clinique Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief

Image result for clinique moisture surge

Ok so next on my list of things you NEED to deal with the cold is Clinque’s Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief cream. I don’t know if your skin is anything like mine, but my skin gets SUPER dry in the winter. My skin is in the normal range in terms of oil so it reacts well to this cream, but I would highly suggest making sure your skin reacts well to the cream before slabbering it on since you don’t want to risk breakouts!

3) Burt’s Bees Body Lotion Shea Butter & Vitamin E

Image result for Burt's Bees Body Lotion Shea Butter & Vitamin E

The final item on my winter MUST-HAVE beauty list is Burt’s Bees Body lotion. The last two items I mentioned target your face and lips, but we all know dry hands and skin is another lovely side affect of the colder months. I find this body lotion from Burt’s Bees to be amazing as not only is natural but it really works. Shea Butter is AMAZING for dryness and so is Vitamin E. What I really love about Burt’s Bees is that the pricing is very accessible so you won’t have to dig really deep in order to afford this product.

So that rounds out my 3 beauty must haves for November. I hope it helps anybody out there dealing with the harsh winter weather! Let me know it the comments what your winter essentials are for dealing with the cold!

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